Advising Policies
University policies on advising and the conduct of research, and other policies within these guides, apply to all faculty and the graduate students and postdoctoral scholars they advise.
The Faculty Senate requires that "within each department or program minimum advising expectations be set for both advisor and advisee...These department or program expectations must be distributed to faculty and graduate students on an annual basis at the start of each academic year and must be easily accessible on the web." (see GAP 3.3 Academic Advising; read more in the Stanford News and Inside Higher Education).
Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures Handbook: GAP 3.3. Academic Advising
Specifies that all matriculated graduate students must be advised by a faculty member, to be designated within students’ first quarter of enrollment. Requires all graduate programs to explicitly state their advising expectations and make them available to faculty and students. Describes responsibilities of faculty advisors. (updated April 2018)
Research Policy Handbook 1. Conduct of Research
Summarizes Stanford's policies and practices related to research, including obligations to students, staff, and sponsors.
Administrative Guide 1.1.1. University Code of Conduct
Specifies that all members of the Stanford community are responsible for sustaining the University’s highest ethical standards and values.
Stanford Bulletin: Graduate Degrees. Advising and Credentials
Expands on GAP policy noted above, including change of advisor procedures.
Postdoctoral Scholar Handbook. Right and Responsibilities
Outlines responsibilities of faculty advisors and postdoctoral scholars.
Mentoring Postdoctoral Scholars
Describes requirement that faculty advisors and postdoctoral scholars complete annual Individual Development Plans.
Related Links
Graduate Academic Policy and Procedures (GAP)
Research Policy Handbook (Dean of Research)
Administrative Guide (University HR)