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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Courses

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  • INDE 212  | 2024-2025 Spring
    • Lin, B.
    The interdisciplinary field of medical humanities: the use of the arts and humanities to examine medicine in personal, social, and cultural contexts. Topics include the doctor/patient relationship, the patient perspective, the meaning of doctoring, and the meaning of illness. Sources include visual and performing arts, film, and literary genres such ...
  • EDUC 255  | 2024-2025 Spring
    • Cox, G.
    • Kankolongo Ngoba, N.
    (Same as GSBGEN 373) Educational institutions are defined by their academic missions and their financial structures. When we refer to public/private or nonprofit/profit sectors, these are shorthand descriptions of the different capital structures that underlie educational organizations. Increasingly, these options - and novel variations on them - exist throughout the ...
  • CSRE 1A  | 2024-2025
    This course meets once a week for one hour, over lunch (provided). Students will meet with CSRE faculty who will share their work, their life stories, their reasons for believing that race and ethnicity are of central concern to all members of our society. Diverse fields will be represented: sociology ...
  • ENGR 311A  | 2024-2025 Winter
    • Okamura, A.
    Graduate seminar featuring non-technical talks by engineers from academia and industry. Discussion is encouraged as graduate students share experiences and learn with speakers and each other. Possible topics of discussion range from time management and career choices to diversity, health, and family. Several optional informal dinners are hosted after the ...
  • GSBGEN 581  | 2024-2025
    A philanthropist is anyone who gives anything-time, expertise, networks, credibility, influence, dollars, experience-in any amount to create a better world. Regardless of one's age, background or profession, everyone has the potential to lead in a way that both tackles the complex social problems our interconnected world faces and creates greater ...
  • EDUC 377C  | 2024-2025
    (Same as GSBGEN 581) A philanthropist is anyone who gives anything-time, expertise, networks, credibility, influence, dollars, experience-in any amount to create a better world. Regardless of one's age, background or profession, everyone has the potential to lead in a way that both tackles the complex social problems our interconnected world ...
  • GSBGEN 370  | 2024-2025
    All leaders face a host of challenges, but women leaders encounter an additional set of obstacles and considerations-institutional, economic, cultural-that their men counterparts most likely never will. Women from underrepresented groups experience these challenges even more acutely. GG370 Power of You: Women in Leadership will prepare students to successfully identify ...
  • EDUC 377G  | 2024-2025 Autumn
    • Brest, P.
    • Alvarez, G.
    (Also GSBGEN 367). Stanford graduates will play important roles in solving many of today's and tomorrow's major societal problems -- such as improving educational and health outcomes, conserving energy, and reducing global poverty -- which call for actions by nonprofit, business, and hybrid organizations as well as governments. This course ...
  • GSBGEN 367  | 2024-2025 Autumn
    • Brest, P.
    • Alvarez, G.
    Stanford graduates will play important roles in solving many of today's and tomorrow's major societal problems-in areas such as education, health, energy, and domestic and global poverty-that call for actions by nonprofit, business, and hybrid organizations as well as governments. This course teaches skills and bodies of knowledge relevant to ...
  • EDUC 340  | 2024-2025 Spring
    • LaFromboise, T.
    Western medicine's definition of health as the absence of sickness, disease, or pathology; Native American cultures' definition of health as the beauty of physical, spiritual, emotional, and social things, and sickness as something out of balance. Topics include: historical trauma; spirituality and healing; cultural identity; values and acculturation; and individual ...
  • INDE 215  | 2024-2025 Winter
    • Stefanick, M.
    Explores specific, pertinent, and timely issues impacting the health of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community; examines the role of the primary care physician in addressing the health care needs of this community. Guest lecturers provide a gender-sensitive approach to the medical care of the LGBT patient, breaking down ...
  • COMM 284  | 2024-2025
    (Graduate students register for 284. COMM 184 is offered for 5 units, COMM 284 is offered for 4 units.) This course explores the co-construction of media practices and racial identity in the US. We will ask how media have shaped how we think about race. And we will explore the ...
  • CSRE 364A  | 2024-2025
    How does race function in performance and dare we say live and in living color? How does one deconstruct discrimination at its roots? From a perspective of global solidarity and recognition of shared plight among BIPOC communities, we will read and perform plays that represent material and psychological conditions under ...
  • CSRE 363  | 2024-2025
    This course will investigate representations of black people in ancient Greek and Roman antiquity. In addition to interrogating the conflation of the terms "race" and "blackness" as it applies to this time period, students will learn how to critique the interference of racial ideologies in modern scholarship, and they will ...
  • CSRE 385  | 2024-2025 Winter
    • Banks, A.
    The Race, Ethnicity, and Language seminars explore the intersections of language and race/racism/racialization. This course will examine Black engagements with digital culture as sites for community building, social action and individual and collective identity formation, with a focus on how Black oral traditions are still alive and inform our digital ...
  • ANTHRO 320A  | 2024-2025
    Language, as a cultural resource for shaping our identities, is central to the concepts of race and ethnicity. This seminar explores the linguistic construction of race and ethnicity across a wide variety of contexts and communities. We begin with an examination of the concepts of race and ethnicity and what ...
  • EDUC 389A  | 2024-2025
    Language, as a cultural resource for shaping our identities, is central to the concepts of race and ethnicity. This seminar explores the linguistic construction of race and ethnicity across a wide variety of contexts and communities. We begin with an examination of the concepts of race and ethnicity and what ...
  • CSRE 371  | 2024-2025
    Graduate seminar. In this course, we will work together to develop a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the concept(s) of political representation. We will do so by examining a number of historical and contemporary theories of political representation developed within philosophy and cognate fields. 2 unit option only for Phil ...