EDGE: Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Doctoral Fellowship Program

Stanford's Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Doctoral Fellowship Program aims to recruit and retain outstanding doctoral students who have the potential to contribute to the diversity of their academic fields and degree programs. Diversity is broadly-defined at Stanford and includes but is not limited to: first-generation status, membership in a federally recognized tribe, low-income background, military service, sex, gender-identity, or sexual orientation. The EDGE program serves Stanford doctoral students in the social and behavioral sciences, business, education, and the humanities (SBEH), and in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The EDGE program is run in collaboration with the schools of business, education, engineering, humanities & sciences, and sustainability.
The EDGE Doctoral Fellowship Program reflects Stanford's commitment to fostering intellectual excellence in graduate education by enrolling a diverse student body and creating a vibrant and supportive educational environment. EDGE complements the training that doctoral students receive in their academic degree programs with opportunities for professional development, interdisciplinary research workshops, and mentorship by advanced graduate students and EDGE faculty advisors. EDGE fellows receive financial support, as well as the opportunity to apply for funding for research and professional travel and to engage in one-on-one mentoring.
EDGE is an important fellowship that demonstrates Stanford’s commitment to enhancing diversity across fields and disciplines. It’s also a great opportunity for scholars to make connections and receive the support that will help them thrive in graduate school.
- Stacey F. Bent, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, Jagdeep and Roshni Singh Professor in the School of Engineering
Nominations Process
EDGE Doctoral Fellowships are awarded to incoming doctoral students, who are initially nominated by their degree program after they are admitted. The nominations are then reviewed by the deans' offices in the Schools of Business, Education, Engineering, Humanities and Sciences and Sustainability.
EDGE nominations and awards are made with awareness of and in conformance with the June 2023 Supreme Court decision in SFFA v. Harvard/UNC.
Chris Gonzalez Clarke, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Education & Director, EDGE Doctoral Fellowship Program & Special Projects
Related Events
EDGE fellowships are by nomination only.
Contact the EDGE fellowship team with questions after you've reviewed the fellowship details.