Grad Grow Learning Opportunities
If you are interested in learning a new skill, including web design, web development, or graphic design, check out the thousands of online resources available through LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn Learning is an online training library with over 13,000 courses spanning topics in areas such as business, web design, video design/development/editing, software and programming, and 3D + Animation. Work at your own pace to gain new skills that will help you at Stanford and beyond! Free to Stanford students.
CommunicationLeadership & ManagementDiversity Equity & InclusionCareer Development -
One of the most important aspects of being a responsible scientist is learning to engage the community in your work by explaining research and science in an effective and captivating manner. The Office of STEM Outreach page has a downloadable list of opportunities both on and off campus where you can practice communicating with the public to hone your speaking skills and learn how to effectively convey your ideas.
CommunicationTeaching & MentoringDiversity Equity & Inclusion -
The Hume Center's Oral Communication program offers for-credit courses for graduate students seeking to improve their public speaking skills, confidence, and vocal expression. See website below for course descriptions and current offerings.
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Does the thought of public speaking make you nervous? This two-page PDF from the Oral Communication Program helps you to be proactive about speech anxiety by providing you tips to conquer it. The second page lists common public speaking myths and fears, while also offering solutions for those fears. This documents serves as a quick reference designed to help you feel more comfortable and confident when speaking in front of an audience.
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The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs offers numerous postdoc programs and events throughout the year. Covering everything from social activities and English classes, to pedagogy and mentoring, there are a wide range of events to help postdocs (and interested graduate students, when space permits) make the most out of their time at Stanford and grow personally and professionally. Check out the OPA calendar throughout the year to keep up with what's going on.
CommunicationTeaching & MentoringProfessionalismCareer Development -
Body language speaks louder than words. In this video Stanford Business School Professor Deborah Gruenfeld discusses the body language of authority and how fluently adapting your body language to match different situations can be a source of power and influence. Your body language influences both your personal psychology and how others perceive you. All videos from this Voice & Influence series on the VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab website include a downloadable discussion guide and links to further resources.
CommunicationLeadership & Management