Academic Chats
Could a faculty career be in your future? Attend Academic Chats to explore skills and experience to help you prepare from Stanford faculty and staff.
Learning Objectives
By participating in one or more Chats, you will:
- learn from the experience of staff and faculty from Stanford and nearby institutions
- identify skills and experiences you need to be a strong candidate for a faculty position
- begin to create your own plan for pursuing a faculty career
Program Description
Academic Chats are an opportunity to learn from and share experiences with others who are launching their career as a faculty member. Guest speakers include faculty from Stanford and local colleges and campus staff who support students’ career planning. Chats are open to graduate students at any stage but may be most useful to students at the early stages of their career planning.
Academic Chats are one component of VPGE’s Career Planning portfolio, which you may want to explore for deeper learning experiences on any Chats’ topics.
Registration Process:
Check back in for Autumn 2022.
Interested in other careers? Check out our Career Development resources on Grad Grow!
Partner Organization:
Time Commitment
< 3 hours
Grad Grow Competencies