DARE@10 Homecoming: Monday Agenda
Monday, November 12
There will be workshops and panels, with time for you to discuss important topics with one another. We’ll continue the celebration with a reception and dinner which will include Stanford faculty and leaders.
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM: DARE@10 Homecoming: Conference and Celebration
Directions and Map to Li Ka Sing Conference Center (Meeting Venue)
The nearest parking lot to Li Ka Sing Conference Center is Roth Way Garage.
Abbreviated Agenda
Time | Event |
8:00-8:30AM | Bus Ride from Sheraton Palo Alto to Li Ka Sing Conference Center (LKSC) |
8:30-9:00AM | Breakfast and Registration Opens |
9:00-9:15AM | Welcome by Anika Green |
9:30-10:30AM Session 1 Workshop | |
10:45-11:45AM Session 2 Workshops | |
11:45-1:15PM | Lunch at Berg Hall B-C, Li Ka Shing Conference Center (LKSC) |
1:30-2:30PM Session 3 Workshops |
2:45-3:45PM Session 4 Workshops | |
4:00-4:30PM | Group Photo, Steps of Li Ka Shing Conference Center (LKSC) |
4:45PM | Shuttle to Arrillaga Alumni Center |
5:00-8:00PM | Reception and Dinner at the Arrillaga Alumni Center |
Detailed Agenda
Time | Title | Details |
9:30-10:30AM | Session 1 Workshops |
Funding Your Research: STEM Participants in this workshop will learn about underutilized sources of funds, and strategies for securing those funds, including insights from moderators who have served on grant review panels and other grant decision making bodies specific to STEM scholars. Participants will learn how to find sources of money and write proposals that maximize their likelihood of being awarded funding. Panelists: John Boothroyd, Kenny Gibbs, Hector Garcia, Rosemary Knight
Funding Your Research: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Munzer Auditorium, Beckman Center Participants in this workshop will learn about underutilized sources of funds, and strategies for securing those funds, including insights from those who have served on grant review panels and other grant decision making bodies specific to scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Participants will learn how to find sources of money and write proposals that maximize their likelihood of being awarded funding.
Panelists: anthony antonio, Krystale Littlejohn, Paula Moya, Jeanne Tsai Moderator: Kathryne Young
The Industry, Government, or NGO Option LK 120, Li Ka Shing Conference Center (LKSC)
In this workshop we’ll hear from DARE Alumni who decided to pursue careers in industry, government, or NGO. Non-academic careers provide a wide range of options in a variety of workplace settings, though vastly different from one another. This workshop, through its panelists, will explore the different opportunities available. Panelists will be asked to elaborate on what attracted to them to their respective career, what are the benefits and challenges, and strategies for those who would like to explore this choice.
Panelists: Dennis Bua, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Izumi Hinkson, Jasmaine McClain Moderator: Nate Cardin
10:45-11:45AM | Session 2 Workshops |
Impact of Your Scholarship Beyond the Ivory Tower Berg Hall A, Li Ka Shing Conference Center (LKSC) Consider the impact your research and scholarly work can have in the “real world,” including their applicability to underserved communities. Examples of community-engaged scholarship will be shared and examined on how they can have an impact. Concepts such as public intellectualism, social activism, and community-based research will be discussed and how they have been, or can be, put into practice. This workshop will focus on how academics can make connections with local communities and to what extent academic work can be of benefit. Challenges and opportunities to community-based scholarship will also be addressed and strategies for overcoming challenges will be shared.
Panelists: Jessica Auerbach, Rodolfo Dirzo, Kenji Hakuta, Rebecca Hetey Moderator: Eduardo Munoz-Munoz
Workshop: Networking and Cultivating Relationships for Academic and Professional Impact Munzer Auditorium, Beckman Center In this interactive workshop, participants will have an opportunity to form networks based on industry, discipline and/or institution-type. Participants will learn easy steps they can use to build, maintain, and expand active networks and the power of networks. Participants will learn how to strategically utilize these networks, as well as how to use communication behaviors to maximize their leverage in negotiations and engage in role-playing activities and vignettes with other participants to gain hands-on experience in networking and negotiating. The underlying theme is: How you can leverage who you are, your accomplishments, and your diversity to gain confidence and negotiate for the best outcome?
Presenter: Vanessa George
Leadership in Higher Education LK 120, Li Ka Shing Conference Center (LKSC) Just as diverse individuals are underrepresented at the faculty level, they are also underrepresented in academic administration, institutes and centers. What are the advantages to working in administration, and how can one pursue that path if it is of interest? How to explore administrative opportunities within and beyond the faculty role? At this workshop, participants who have become administrators will discuss how and why they did so, and participants will discuss the various benefits and challenges of such a career path.
Panelists: Lupe Carrillo, Chris Gonzalez Clarke, Stacy Gleixner, Patricia J. Gumport Moderator: Bernadine Chuck Fong
11:45-1:15PM Lunch | ||
1:30-2:30PM | Session 3 Workshops |
Preparing for Tenure and Beyond Berg Hall A, Li Ka Shing Conference Center (LKSC) This panel will chronicle the process it takes for academics to go through tenure at different institutions and set up a plan for what to do after tenure. Panelists will connect the dots between their research, teaching, and service, as well as working to craft a clear vision for their tenure narrative. Panelists will also detail life after tenure. How can and should academics rethink their research and teaching agendas after tenure? What possibilities are opened, e.g., for a new, long-term line of research? Does this mean never going on the job market again, or can (and should) one consider new job opportunities, including ones that do not come with tenure? Participants in this workshop will discuss these challenges and difficult questions with facilitators who have faced them in their own careers while working in groups to create a timeline for tenure preparation and additional milestones. Panelists: Deji Akinwande, Jennifer Harford Vargas, Tomás Jiménez, Sarah Parikh, Juan Santiago
Advancing Equity and Fostering Inclusion in an Organizational Setting Beyond the Classroom Panelists: Melissa Abad, Lauren Aguilar, Rania Sanford, Kathleen Wong
Workshop: Work-life Integration: Strategies for Personal and Professional Fulfillment Successfully integrating work, family, and self is essential to a sense of satisfaction and happiness. Enjoying your life and your work, in that order, make for a healthy and satisfying personal and professional sense of well-being and fulfillment. Not letting the urgent pre-empt the important comes from a deep sense of self, helps lay out a road map for your critical priorities, and allows you to remain focused on your values and priorities in daily life and work. Moving away from the notion of finding balance, but rather disaggregating challenges and making choices that matter at different phases in life, will help clarify your sense of personal satisfaction. Participants will walk away with a “plan of action” for how to manage self-care while engaged in a healthy personal and active professional life. Presenter: Aneel Chima |
2:45-3:45PM | Session 4 Workshops |
Workshop: Cultivating Opportunities for Working with Allies Presenter: Joseph Brown
Your Role as a Faculty Scholar and Leader in Academia Panelists: Shantal Marshall, Jennifer Randall Crosby, Eric Shed, Sheri Sheppard
Moving to Another Academic Institution Interested in moving academic institutions? This panel will discuss strategies you can adopt when making the decision to switch institutions and preparing to make the move. Panelists: Courtney Bonam, Saskias Casanova, Beth L. Pruitt, José David Saldívar, Luis Poza |