For Directors of Graduate Studies
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Stanford has faculty Directors of Graduate Studies (DGS) who take primary responsibility for overseeing graduate degree requirements, students' progress towards degree, and other academic issues.
This portal provides information and resources for DGSs, including materials distributed at DGS meetings. Read more about DGS responsibilities in the Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures handbook (GAP 3.4 Faculty Directors of Graduate Studies).
Resources for New DGSs
- Guidance for Faculty Directors of Graduate Studies: potential roles and responsibilities for DGSs
- DGS FAQs: quick answers to questions you might have as DGS
- Stanford Red Folder: resources to support students in distress (developed by Vaden Health Center)
VPGE Resources
- VPGE Brochure and Why Stanford recruitment flyer
- Ideal Graduate Recruitment Portal: resources to support your outreach and recruitment activities
- SCORE Academic Innovation Funds - "rapid response" grants for faculty-led projects to improve graduate education (download SCORE Flyer)
- VPGE Pop-Up Workshops: customized VPGE staff-led workshops on advising, peer mentoring, top tips for success in grad school, and another topics
Graduate Education Data
- Stanford Graduate Students At-a-Glance (updated 2023)
- Graduate Data Sources: compilation of sources of Stanford and peer institution data on doctoral admissions, enrollment, and time to degree; coterminal masters; PhD Exit Survey, etc.
- IR&DS Data & Findings: links to specific data boards listed on Graduate Data Sources
- IDEAL dashboard: dashboards demonstrating the diversity of various university populations
Advising Resources
- VPGE's Advising & Mentoring webpages
- Student-Advisor Expectation Scales
- Policies & Practices for Advising Relationships and Guidelines for Advising Relationships Between Faculty and Graduate Students
- Guiding Questions for Department & Program Advising Discussions
- Biosciences' Individual Development Plans and customizable Annual Doctoral Student Degree and Career Progress Meeting Worksheet
Please contact if you have any comments or questions or would like to request any printed VPGE materials.