Grad Grow Learning Opportunities
Whether you are instructing a foreign language course or looking to improve your own language skills, the Digital Language Lab can provide you with many valuable resources. As an instructor, you will find access to technology-enhanced teaching activities, ideas, and classroom space. As a language learner, you will find access to hundreds of resources to further your language development.
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Hume's Digital Media Consultants provide all graduate students with individual consulting to build stronger arguments in digital media. Digital Media Consultants consult on slideware (Powerpoint, Keynote, Prezi), video projects, websites and blogs, audio essays/podcasts, digital photography and research posters/flyers. They can help with concept planning and working collaboratively, analyzing and incorporating multimedia, and give you ways to enhance the persuasiveness of your digital argument.
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What is your signature story? When it comes to advocating for your ideas, yourself or others, research has shown that individuals are more persuaded by stories. Stanford Business School Professor Jennifer Aaker advocates using stories to shape how others see you and as a tool to build confidence in your vision. In this video, part of the VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab's Voice & Influence series, she details the elements of a successful story in order to help you advance your goals. Included are links to further resources and a downloadable discussion guide.
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This edition of the Speaking of Teaching newsletter draws from research on teaching and learning to help TAs and instructors plan and deliver engaging lectures. Includes strategies for getting and keeping students' attention and maximizing their retention of material.
CommunicationTeaching & Mentoring -
Hume has some general speaking skills workshops for graduate students from all disciplines and degree programs. Drop-in Vocal Yoga is a weekly voice workshop to get your voice in shape. Thursday English Afternoons (T.E.A.) is casual conversation for graduate and undergraduate non-native speakers of English, with sessions guided by oral communication and writing tutors.
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This two-page reference from the Center for Teaching and Learning features concrete advice to help you ace your next job or scholarship interview. Designed for all levels, it is divided into three sections: Before, during and after the Interview. Here you'll find tips you'd expect (like always practice and first impressions matter) and some you may not (such as preparing for the questions that scare you the most, and the STAR principle for relaying anecdotes).
CommunicationCareer Development