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    As a registered Stanford student, you have access to Vault Career Intelligence, an online reference of hundreds of employers and available jobs. Sign up using your Stanford email address to get access to job search tools, employer information, and job listings. Take advantage of this incredible tool!

    Career Development
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    Walking a labyrinth offers a simple means of meditation. An ancient tradition, a labyrinth allows you to embark on a personal journey that can quiet your mind, help you find balance, and facilitate insight. Every Friday from 8:00am to 1:00pm, you are invited to walk the labyrinth inside Memorial Church. Discover how truly liberated your mind and spirit can be! All are welcome. See website for more details. 

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    This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education uses six "lessons" to demystify the norms and expectations of graduate school and offer strategies for how to succeed in a professional academic context. Written for new students, but useful for anyone in need of a refresher and some advice.

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    Well-Being at Stanford, a program of Vaden Health Services, helps you cultivate the knowledge and life skills to live a healthy, vibrant lifestyle, manage stress, build resilience, and ensure positive interactions. 

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    Matching your values to the nature of work you do and the setting in which you do it is crucial for personal and professional happiness. This quick exercise created by BEAM's Chris Golde is designed to help you identify which values are most important for you when considering career options. By no means comprehensive, this activity will help you to start envisioning the opportunities and organizations that match your personal values.

    Career Development
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    This article from an English professor in The Chronicle of Higher Education offers some insight into how to approach graduate school not only as a time of scholarship but also as a period of professional development. Primarily geared towards new students in the humanities, but useful to all doctoral students, this blunt article considers the realities of what comes after graduate school and encourages students to start professional development from day one. 

    Career Development