Grad Grow Learning Opportunities: Teaching and Mentorship
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Digital Language Lab
Whether you are instructing a foreign language course or looking to improve your own language skills, the Digital Language Lab can provide you with many valuable resources. |
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Earth Leadership Program Resources
From the Earth Leadership Program at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment comes this selection of How-to Guides. |
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EDGE Insights
Stanford's Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Doctoral Fellowship Program aims to recruit and retain outstanding doctoral students who have the potential to contribute to the diversit |
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Education Partnerships through the Haas Center
Interested in finding ways to engage with the local community? At the Haas Center for Public Service, several Education Partnerships connect Stanford students with local children. |
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El Centro Graduate Scholars in Residence Program
El Centro Chicano y Latino's Graduate Scholars in Residence Program promotes a vibrant intellectual atmosphere and interdisciplinary exchange among Chicano and Latino students at Stanford. |
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Empathy Planner
From the, this empathy planner tool can be used to help you see problems and experiences from different perspectives. |
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Foundations of Course Design
This guide from Stanford Teaching Commons is for those who are new to teaching or are designing a course. |
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Looking for an effective and efficient tool to help you grade? |
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Graduate Student Mentoring Guide
This resource from the University of Michigan is a guide for proactive students seeking to improve the quality of their relationships with faculty. |
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Graduate Teaching Consultants
As an instructor, you may be looking for new ways to advance your teaching. The Center for Teaching and Learning offers individual consultations for Stanford instructors (including grad students). |
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Guide to Registering with the OAE
Have you had a medical issue arise and need accommodation, but don't know where to go? Has one of your students asked for accommodations in class, but has not gone through the university process? |
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Guide to Using Canvas
No matter what your position on the Stanford campus, it's highly likely that you will interface with Canvas in some context. |
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Honor Code Tips for Faculty and TAs
As teaching and course assistants, graduate students are often the first people to uncover possible Honor Code violations. |
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How to Create Memorable Lectures
This edition of the Speaking of Teaching newsletter draws from research on teaching and learning to help TAs and instructors plan and deliver engaging lectures. |
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How to Find, Approach, and Interview Potential Faculty Mentors for a Postdoc Position
For graduate students trying to find a faculty mentor with whom to do a postdoc, this handy guide from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs may help. |
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Individual Development Plan and Planning Meetings
Trying to figure out your path through grad school? |
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iPads for Teaching and Learning Program
The CTL's iPads for Teaching and Learning Program explores the potential for iPads to impact teaching and learning. |
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Leadership in Inclusive Teaching (LIT) Program
The Mentors in Teaching (MinT) program supports the work of TA Mentors, who provide peer support to other TAs and act as general resources in their departments. |
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Learning Technologies & Spaces
LTS supports the shared infrastructure of learning technologies and spaces to help facilitate exceptional teaching and learning. |
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Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management
This book is a resource for postdoctoral and early-career faculty on crucial aspects of directing and managing a research lab. |