Grad Grow Learning Opportunities: Leadership and Management
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Stacey Sargent's Taming Your Inner Critic While Clarifying Inner Success
Watch this video playlist of highlights from Stacey Sargent's 2014 visit to Stanford, which challenged a group of graduate students to take a deep dive into their ideas about success, meaning, and |
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Stanford Domains
Stanford Domains offers faculty and students their own web space and set of open source tools to develop course hubs and create digital identities. |
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Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner
The Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner, hosted by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP), provides a large collection of online content related to entrepreneurship. |
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Stanford Entrepreneurship Network
Interested in entrepreneurship? |
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Stanford Farm
Stanford University has been affectionately known as "The Farm" ever since it was established by founders Leland and Jane Stanford on their Palo Alto stock farm. |
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Stanford Gender, Equity, and Justice Summit
The Stanford Women’s Community Center hosts the Gender, Equity, and Justice Summit (formerly known as the Stanford Women’s Leadership Conference). |
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Stanford Health Library
Looking for a reliable source of health-related information? |
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Stanford Technology Ventures Program
Located within the School of Engineering, the Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) supports entrepreneurship education at Stanford and around the world. |
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Stanford Venture Studio
Do you have a great idea for a new venture? Or perhaps you have a team and are ready to launch. Wherever you are on your entrepreneurial journey, consider joining the Stanford Venture Studio. |
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Stanford’s Seven Elements of Ethics and Compliance Excellence
All members of the Stanford community share a responsibility to support Stanford’s mission and reputation by holding ourselves and other community members to the highest standards of ethical and la |
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StartX is an educational, non-profit business incubator associated with Stanford. |
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Stereotype Threat: How it Affects Us and What We Can Do About It
In this video, Emeritus Professor Claude Steele (formerly Dean of the School of Education at Stanford) discusses his research on stereotype threat. |
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Team Dynamics
How does one become a more effective team leader and member? A high-performing team leverages the individual expertise of team members. |
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The Tech Desk at Lathrop Library
A service of the Learning Technologies & Spaces office, the Tech Desk offers free checkout of camcorders, projectors, laptops, and a variety of other multimedia equipment to all St |
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Tools for Taking Action
New to design thinking and interested in learning more? The (Hasso Plattner Institute of Design) has put together a sampling of some of tools and resources promote design thinking. |
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Uncovering Authentic Leadership
Often individuals feel they must assimilate or hide parts of who they are in order to be included and accepted. Covering is a strategy that downplays a known disfavored identity. |
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University Innovation Fellows
The's University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program empowers students around the world to become agents of change in higher education. |
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Upstander Intervention
The SHARE Title IX Office collaborates with the Stanford community to stop, prevent, and remedy interpersonal violence and gender-based discrimination through education, culture change, accountabil |
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Women in STEM
The Women's Community Center (WCC) has compiled a list of on-campus resources that support women in STEM. |
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Work and Family: Getting to 50/50
Both in graduate school and in the workplace, we can struggle to balance both work obligations and family commitments. |