Grad Grow Learning Opportunities: Diversity and Inclusion
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Managing through Teamwork for Maximum Performance
From the Association of American Medical Colleges, this guide to managing a team is useful to anyone in a leadership position or on a team, such as a graduate student or postdoc leading a research |
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Meditation and Yoga at Windhover
The Windhover offers a number of free programs to both students and staff/faculty, covering the fundamentals of meditation and mindful yoga. |
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Mentoring: Creating Mutually Empowering Relationships
While mentoring is often viewed as one person giving and the other person receiving, it can be better defined as a mutually empowering relationship where both parties learn and benefit. |
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National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
Through Stanford's institutional membership, all graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty have access to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), which prov |
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Negotiation is a critical skill for professional advancement. Yet as Stanford Business School Professor Margaret Neale shows, women are judged more harshly for negotiating than men are. |
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OAE Instructor FAQs
Teaching a course this year, and have some questions regarding your students with OAE accommodations? |
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Office for Religious Life Fellowships
The Office for Religious Life offers several small fellowships to graduate students to explore various aspects of religion. |
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Office of STEM Outreach Menu of Outreach Ideas
One of the most important aspects of being a responsible scientist is learning to engage the community in your work by explaining research and science in an effective and captivating manner. |
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On and Off Campus Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering can make a big impact on Stanford and the local community. |
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Online Feminism Conference
Hosted by the Clayman Institute for Gender Research, the Online Feminism Conference of 2014 brought together advocates for feminism, in person and online, to discuss the challenges and possibilitie |
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Overseas Scholarships
Are you interested in studying abroad as a graduate student? Many funding opportunities exist to support your work in dozens of locations overseas. |
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Productivity and Collaboration Tools from UIT
From Stanford University IT come a number of tools and software designed to improve collaboration between groups and increase productivity. |
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Promote Inclusive Learning
Students come to Stanford from a wide array of backgrounds. |
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Public Service Opportunities for Graduate Students
Looking for opportunities to serve your community? |
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Looking for tools and materials to teach about race? |
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Rathbun Visiting Fellows' Talks
The Harry and Emilia Rathbun Fund for Exploring What Leads to a Meaningful Life at Stanford was established in 2006. |
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Recognizing and Addressing Microaggressions
Learn how to work with people of diverse backgrounds, how to be welcoming and inclusive in your language and behavior, and how to combat your own feelings of exclusion in this Fello |
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Research University Engaged Scholarship Toolkit
This toolkit, created by the nonprofit Campus Compact, helps promote community-engaged scholarship--scholarship that involves engagement with communities for the benefit of those communities. |
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Resources for Community Engaged Teaching and Research
Are you creating or teaching a class that has a community engagement component? |
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Resources for Spouses, Partners and Families of International Students
Bechtel welcomes the families of international students and visiting scholars at Stanford. |