Grad Grow Learning Opportunities: Teaching and Mentorship
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Mentoring Up: Learning to Manage Your Mentoring Relationships
Often mentees are passive in their relationships with mentors, leaving it up to the mentor to direct the relationship. |
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Mentoring: Creating Mutually Empowering Relationships
While mentoring is often viewed as one person giving and the other person receiving, it can be better defined as a mutually empowering relationship where both parties learn and benefit. |
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Mid-Term Online Feedback
These simple, clear online surveys can provide you with valuable feedback on your teaching at any point in the quarter. |
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National Research Mentoring Network
The National Research Mentoring Network provides opportunities for virtual mentorship (as a mentor or mentee) with trainings and guidance to broaden participation in every career stage in the biome |
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Nature's Guide for Mentors
From Nature, this guide for mentors draws from the reflections of the mentees of award-winning mentors, and asks what elements and characteristics make a good mentor? |
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Navigating Grad School
Graduate school is both extraordinarily rewarding and demanding at the same time. |
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Office of STEM Outreach Menu of Outreach Ideas
One of the most important aspects of being a responsible scientist is learning to engage the community in your work by explaining research and science in an effective and captivating manner. |
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Postdoc Programs
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs offers numerous postdoc programs and events throughout the year. |
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PowerPointers: Using PowerPoint to Your Advantage
Want to make better use of Powerpoint? This one-page PDF from the Oral Communication Program offers seven quick tips on how to use Powerpoint to get your point across most effectively. |
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Promote Inclusive Learning
Students come to Stanford from a wide array of backgrounds. |
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Looking for tools and materials to teach about race? |
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Resources for Community Engaged Teaching and Research
Are you creating or teaching a class that has a community engagement component? |
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Science Education Resources
From the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, this website includes several resources to help you navigate the start of your career and effectively teach new generations of scientists. |
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Six Tips to Take the “Ack!” Out of Feedback
Are you an employee? Manager? Musician? Athlete? Meeting goals, finding growth, and learning your craft requires feedback! |
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Small Group Feedback Session
Offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning, a small group feedback session (SGFS) is an excellent way to gather specific, useful mid-quarter feedback on your course. |
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Speaking Resources for Instructors
Teaching a class this year and looking for ways to enhance your students' speaking skills? |
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Speaking Science - Engaging and Keeping an Audience
Stanford's Alya Raphael offers straightforward, actionable tips to present your research effectively–to any audience, in any setting–in this |
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Speaking to Expert Audiences
VPGE's John Boothroyd shares practical and effective presentation strategies for conferences, jobs, and seminars in thi |
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Stanford Alumni Mentoring (SAM)
The Stanford Alumni Mentoring (SAM) program connects current students with alumni who are willing to share their workplace and educational experience in long-term mentoring relationships. |
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Stanford Domains
Stanford Domains offers faculty and students their own web space and set of open source tools to develop course hubs and create digital identities. |